Scholarships are offered to deserving & needy students to encourage them to take
up Higher Education. This incentive falls in line with the motto of Higher
Education of state: Access, Equity & Quality. Therefore the Govt of India & Govt
of Haryana developed a centralized portal ‘Har Chhatravratti ’ that provides one
stop solution for end to end scholarships process right from submission of
application, verification & disbursal to end beneficiary. There are different types of
scholarships for the students at the college level – as per Haryana Govt. norms:-

1. Post Metric Scholarship Scheme for BC-  FOR 1st year
Rs. 2100/- per student) (FOR 2nd & 3rd year Rs. 2520/-)
Per Student)
2. Consolidated Stipend & Free Books Scheme for SC- (Rs.14000/- Per
3. Consolidated Stipend Scheme for Grand Children of Freedom Fighter-
(Rs.14000/- Per Student)
4. State Merit Scholarships to UG Girls- (Rs.3000/- Top 10 students)
5. Haryana State Meritorious Incentives Scheme- (i) Rs.5000/- (ii) Rs.3000/-
(iii) Rs. 2000/- For Pass-Out Students from All Stream (3Gen, 3Sc).